Our Members

APEX’s success is not possible without the generous support of our members. They are part of a community that supports the arts and art education, allowing for APEX to attract premier programming, close to home, and at a minimal cost.


MaryLee and Carl Alford

DeAnna Bryant

Cheryl and Timothy Dahlstrand

Leslie and Brandon Singles



Family Members

Judith Anderson

Tammy Anderson

Anthony Androsky

Tania Askins and Brian Rellstab

Connie and Mark Bennison

Ellen Bratton and Floyd McGlothlin

Joann and Robert Bula

Frances and Donald Carlton

Cheryl and Gordon Crow

Lorna and Ken Darling

Barbara and Doug Davidson

Christine Cleary and Mark Dooly

Rosalva Dean

Gabriela and Marcel Deruise

Kim and Abe Factor

Donna and William Featherston

Kim and Edward Fields

Peggy and Frank Forcelli

Diana and Scott Forsyth

Patricia Gresham and Sydney Gresham

Lisa Goodwin

Patricia and Arturo Gonzalez

Bill and Cindy Green

Donald Hall

Suzanne and Paul Harrington

Sarah and Ken Harrison

Linda and George Hawks

Elizabeth and Roy Heyne

Nada and Robert Horn

Noreen and Bill Houston

Mary and Larry Jamison

Ginais Jaspe and Julien Ponce

Vicki and Curt Kehr

Lisa and Gerry Kenney

Catherine and Kenneth Kramer

Marilyn and David Lawson

Carolyn and Gregg Lemein

Georgia Little

Martha and Jim Looft

Maria and Michael Mahan

Jacquelyn and Dan Martin

Gail and Jerry Mazanowski

Tamara and Ken McMillan

Kathleen McNabnay

Terri and Mark Messing

Becky and Chris Miltenberger

Mary and William Morton

Pat and Lou Myers

Christine and Gary Nesta

Samantha and Kyle Norton

Beverly Perez

Rebecca and Steve Petty

Ellena and Pravin Raj

Martha and Don Reukema

Ann and John Piazza

Beth and Ron Roberts

Lisa Schaub

Janet and Mark Schmidt

Kayla and Caleb Segrest

Lara Shore

Betsy and Ken Smelcer

Donna and Walter Springer

Susan Steinbrecher

Beatriz Terrazas and John Doty

Joanne and Dan Tucker

Jeniffer Varley

Robin and Greg Windham

Denise and Ben Woodward

Brenda and Robert Wyatt

Martha and Cal Yudin

Individual Members

Amy Archambeau

Susan Barzelay

Chris Borkowski

Abbey Chung

Pat Coffey

Nancy Crawley

Paula Fitzpatrick

Christina Foss

Konrad Hartmann

Theresa Knowles

Nancy Konecki

Margaret Martin

Blake McKinney

Karen McKinzie

Patricia McMicken

Tatyana Metter

D’Ray Moore

Miriam Murray

Nancy Nelson

Laurie Ogborn

Joy Paprskar

David Phalen

Linda Ponder

Christine Quaid

Charlcie Robbins

Monica Rudel

Judith Sether

Betty Shoppa

Barbara Speares

Priscilla Starnes

Robert Taylor

Ashley Wang

Yvonne Wang

Lynda Warner